Friday, July 20, 2007

It's about Tortitude

If ever again I even THINK about taking summer courses, someone slap me.

and just to prove how un-motivated i really am ...

meet kiki!

Until a month ago, i had never really met a "tortie". for those of you who are equally naive, allow me to enlighten you on what i have learned since brining miss kiki home from the guelph humane society.

simply put, she's weird. she does a lot of little, strange things that i had never seen in a cat. for instance, she is OBSESSED with her litter box. to the point where she meticulously digs and digs and digs until the litter is piled equally at both ends of the box. then she spends several minutes pawing at the outer corners of the box ... the plastic ... as for why she does this .... i really don't know.

after observing her continuted "weirdness" i decided to google "tortie". it seems i am not alone in my observations of her strange and sometimes rather annoying behaviour. it appears that kiki suffers from what is widely known as:


a major case of it.

"People often talk about the "tortie temperament," which says that torties tend to be very nervous and jumpy, sometimes have an 'attitude,' (commonly referred to as "tortietude") and are prone to hyperactivity. They are also very sweet and loving when calm, but are easily riled up and very high strung."

this happens to describe kiki quite perfectly. in fact, when she is not sleeping or snuggling me (and i mean going CRAZY snuggling) she is trying to see what she can do to get momma's attention. this usually means being on the nightstand, pawing at the lamp ... or pulling push-pins out of the bulletin board to chase them around ... or trying to steal highlighters from the table ... anything really.

more to come .. likely from kiki herself. her life is much more interesting than mine at the moment!