Monday, May 26, 2008

let's get going!

well folks ... i'm back in canada and settling in. no, it's not the ideal situation (i would have loved to stay in rome), but things are smoothing out and i'm job hunting so that i can get back to roma within the next 6 months!

in the meantime, i'm getting involved in the local community in a way that means so much to me ...


I'm gearing up to kick cancer's ass!! That's right folks, it's that time again and I'm putting another team together for this year's Relay For Life (Hanover). I'm also volunteering as the Volunteer Coordinator and throwing myself into this 110%!

If you haven't already heard, Relay for Life is an annual event run by the Canadian Cancer Society in an effort to raise funds and awareness about cancer (see It takes place all over the country, and the one I'm participating in is in Hanover.

I'm asking you to help me with this. Join me, pledge me, or volunteer for this amazing event. You can pledge me by clicking
and clicking "pledge a participant". Then just search me - Candice Reich -- it's super easy and only takes a few minutes!

If you want to know more about how you can get involved, contact me! I'd love to talk to you about how you can help!

Thanks everyone, I couldn't do it without your support!

So please, pledge me (even just $5!), join me, volunteer. Do SOMETHING for this amazing event. We all have loved ones who have been affected by this horrible disease.

xoxoxox Candice