Monday, October 6, 2008

back to life

It's time to bring the blog back to life.

So, what's new?

A few things have happened since I returned from beautiful Roma ...

1) Plans for my glorious return to Europe have been set aside ... of course. Anyone surprised? The reasons for this are several, and although europe is not looming in my (anywhere near) future, I'm so happy.

2) I'm moving out of my parents house - again! The search for the "perfect apartment" is now underway, and I will be relocating to the small city of Orillia, Ontario.

3) The reason for the move - school! Of course - again, anyone surprised? The Where: Georgian College and the What: Child and Youth Worker. See HERE for more info :)

4) This year's Relay for Life is over, but the work hasn't quite ended! The relay itself was incredible ... We raised over $142,000 and had 61 teams registered. The community pulled together to make this a success, and I thank each and every one of my amazing volunteers. My job as volunteer coordinator was at times overwhelming and very challenging - but the rewards are many and I'm so glad I did it. Over the next six weeks I will be attending two Leadership Conferences for the Relay - one in Barrie and one in Mississauga. I'm really excited about these - they offer an opportunity to meet other Relay delegates and to get more involved with the CCS.

5) I'm just plain happy.

Glad to be back :)