Monday, August 6, 2007

my exhausted conclusion

alright, faithful readers (hahaha .. that's a joke ... i think i look at this blog more than anyone, hoping beyond hope to find a comment posted!) ... it is time for me to share with you my latest conclusion.

and as you probably guessed, it's kitty-related.

i won't hold you in suspense any longer .............

i have come to the conclusion that, despite his adorable kitten-ness and itty bitty size, oliver is incredibly SELFISH.

yes, it's sad, but it's true.

i've determined this after close observation of his behaviour - both with me and with kiki. first is his very obvious attempts to have all of the cat food to himself. it doesn't matter whether it's his own kitten food, or kiki's big-kitty food ... it's all for him, right? this is evident from him RACING ... i mean as fast as he can possibly run - from his own bowl (which has been filled with his dinner) to hers, the second he hears her kibble hit the metal. it's really quite entertaining! and rather shocking as well.

also, his incessent demands for attention. yes, i know, he's a kitten, and oh so cute, and really isn't it wonderful that he loves to be snuggled? (yes mom, i know, you're thinking to yourself that i need to bring him to you for constant snuggling and adoration) ... but REALLY - he gets attention, when he wants it, OR ELSE. or else my toes become toys to chew on. or else he won't stop meowing. and for being so tiny, he is REALLY loud when he wants to be!

okay okay i KNOW that this really should not come to a surprise to me at all. especially given my field of study (uh, family relations and human development ... remember?)! I am WELL aware of the total selfishness and egocentrism that characterizes human youngsters .... so why would a kitten be any different, right?

i think that the combination of my exam panic and my lack of recent kitten experience have combined to produce this level of shock. i mean kiki loves to be snuggled, and does make it known when it's the necessary snuggle time -- but at least she knows the meaning of the word "no"!!!

mom, want to come cat-sit? i know you do! :) he's all yours for the next several days ... or a week or so if you really want! but i am afraid they may now officially be a "package deal" ... he's worth it, of course :)
