Sunday, August 5, 2007

sleep, anyone?

we've got some attachment issues around here.

oliver has grown a bit. *tear* ... yes, the kitten stage only lasts so long. unfortunately. but aside from that ... he has become sooooo insanely attached to me, i am not sure if it's normal! i think he might be making up for not having a kitty mom ... though i think kiki is trying to take on that role! she has made it clear that we don't want any dirty kittens around our palace ...

no .. she's not attacking him ... she's bathing him!

anyway back to the attachment thing. oliver has taken to following me EVERYWHERE. i mean if i move from one chair to another, if i move onto the couch, if i go into my room ...... EVERYWHERE. last night i woke up at least every hour from his constant purring and moving from one area of my body to another (he seems to prefer lying in my hair and purring there ... which is adorable! except that his purr is quite loud and makes it kinda hard to sleep ...). and when he wasn't on me, he was beside me with kiki, mewing about something! i tried lying on the couch but they followed me there, and oliver got back onto my head again. back into my room -- both kitties walking when i walk, stopping when i stop ... just can't lose them!

eventually i did! but i can't disclose my secret, in case they find out .....


anyway i know i really shouldn't complain ... i mean, i get so much snuggle time with my kitties! i just wish that they would remember that when mama sleeps, they should be sleeping too .........

*yawn* ... maybe it's time for a nap!
