Wednesday, March 19, 2008

bienvenue a suisse!

At long last I return to you! The past week has brought some unexpected changes, and there is still a lot up in the air. But things are good and I am happy and safe :) so I really can not ask for more!

To make it brief, I am in Switzerland right now. Genève (that's Geneva for us uncultured North American folk :P) is really beautiful. I was quite spoiled last week with +20 and sunshine in Madrid ... alas, I have been reminded that in much of the world it is only springtime (a brisk +5) *sigh*.

So my next few weeks are quite up in the air. I have several options (I won't bore you with the details, yet!). I feel like I am playing my own game: What country will Candice end up in next ?!? Though at times exhausting, it is so much fun :) Yesterday I spent 9 hours on the train from Barcelona to Genève. A long day, but I love the train :) It's pretty relaxing, you can stretch out and move around (more than on a plane or in a car), it's environmentally friendly, and it offers a great opportunity to see the countryside and enjoy the sunny weather. AND it gets me where I want to go pretty quickly.

I had planned on a much longer post, but a) i have forgotten a lot of what i wanted to say, and b) this swiss keyboard is a little tough to type on! And I just climbed 113 stairs ...

lots of love